Archive for Revisions
I’ve mentioned in past posts that I consider revision letters to be little chunks of gold. And being the proud owner of three, count ’em, three, that pertain to the same manuscript, I’m starting to get an idea of some of the pitfalls we unpublished writers can fall into. So, I thought I would talk […]
Read the Rest »Alpha-betizing Your Hero!
Okay, image is kind of unrelated, I just love this cover*. But really, this guy is pretty hot, can you blame me? Ahem… When I received my first revision letter back on Oct. of ’08, for the partial MS I had submitted, one of the main things the editor wanted me to change was the […]
Read the Rest »Revisions, Revisions!
I’m a pro at revisions by now. Not so much at getting them done right the first time, or fifth time, but at receiving revision letters. And, as hard as it can be sometimes, it has been a valuable experience for me as a writer. I read that 80-90% of revision letters from publishers are […]
Read the Rest »The Journey to Publication…so far.
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I’ve been writing short stories ever since I learned the fine art of writing dialogue when I was in the second grade. However, I had a serious aversion to finishing anything. There were countless beginnings and zero endings, because a part of me knew that if I ever […]
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