Archive for Revisions
Waiting, Angsting, and Pondering Revisions (it’s a Maisey Ramble!)
Yes, I am waiting. (see Writer V Email) But it’s okay. I’ve been keeping busy…and not angsting at all. Nope. Not. At. All. Okay, I am. I’m a ball of barely contained angst wrapped up in ‘MEH!’. So much so that when my ed emailed me to say she would be out of the office […]
Read the Rest »Rewrite Update
I’m working on rewrites for book number three, and I submitted the rewritten partial to my editor about two weeks ago. Of course that’s always nail biting and I think I might have worked out what makes major revisions, to me, so hard to get a good read on. I think going through revisions, or […]
Read the Rest »The Path To Publication
This post was inspired by publishing myths over on Writer Beware ( a great resource for writers!) where she was talking about the myth that you have to know ‘someone’ to get into the biz. So I wanted to talk a little bit about my journey from slush to shelf, and all of the stops […]
Read the Rest »More Editor Gold
My editor is a genius. It’s true. No really. She gives great revisions and she’s helped me make everything I’ve submitted to her SO much stronger. And today, we had a really nice talk on the phone, which is always great. She offered me a new contract (yay!) and some really solid revisions for book […]
Read the Rest »Characters, Conflict and Plot! (Oh, my!)
Seems like a simple thing, you make up a story, you write it down. (Those of you who have been doing this for any length of time are laughing already…) There’s a lot more to it than that though!! And even though I know a lot of the tricks and rules, I still find myself […]
Read the Rest »Love Scenes
This is a discussion that came up in my crit group a little while back, and Jackie also discussed it on her blog recently. So I wanted to continue on the topic, because, let’s face it, in romance, this is kind of important. Of course we know that romance isn’t about sex. It’s not one […]
Read the Rest »Why I Dearly Love Revisions
Yes, I know, isn’t it easy to say when after the fact? Well, yes, it is. Hindsight, after all, is a brilliant and wonderful thing. Ahem. My lovely, gorgeous, lovely editor who I LOVE emailed me today, and yay, she liked what I did with my partial. And here I was, only a few weeks […]
Read the Rest »Merry Christmas To Me! (Revisions!)
So funny that I happened to do a post on revisions right before receiving a fresh new set of my own! I felt immediately compelled to come to my own web site for a reminder of why revisions are good. 🙂 Christmas Eve morning the revisions for my second submission to M&B landed in my […]
Read the Rest »More On Revisions (Since I’ve Done My Share)
I’ve been reading on blogs that a lot of people have gotten revision letters lately, or rejections with revision suggestions, and since the topic is so near and dear to me, I thought I’d offer up some more thoughts on the subject. Yes, it can be daunting to stare down the barrel of a revision […]
Read the Rest »The Internal Conflict, and How it conflicts Me Internally
I’ve done a post on internal conflict before, but it bears repeating. I give the whole subject a lot of thought, after all. As we all should, since getting it wrong seems to earn a lot of very talented writers some very fast rejection letters! I was fortunate that my own conflict issue has only […]
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