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April 18, 2011

It Was Like That Time When I Eated A Lot of Cookies

So, I’m waiting to hear back about Beast Sheikh. Which basically has me crouched in the corner doing my best impression of Gollum while I clutch my coffee mug to my chest.

Okay, it’s not that bad. Really. It’s not. And the past couple weeks of waiting have been really, really busy. Now, they’ve been busy with some of my less favorite things about being a writer.

Like copy edits. Which I had for The Argentine’s Price this week.

And filling out an Art Fact Sheet. That means I get to fill in the themes of the book, descriptions of characters, and scenes I think would make a good cover! It’s is pretty fun, except for when you get to the part where you have to write a suckopsis again.

Especially when it’s for a book you’re expecting revisions on. Because then it’s like…oh…yeah, and then there was that part. Except, I know it wasn’t crazy in the context of the book. Sure, it sounds crazy now, but it’s not. IT’S NOT!! *grabs cookies* *goes back to corner*

And then of course, there’s the email checking crazy that comes with a wait. Every time I see an email from my editor I’m looking to see if there’s an attachment…because an attachment means a long revision letter. It’s a strange thing, both stalking and avoiding your inbox, yet I seem to have it down to an art form. It’s not fine art or anything. More like the art at the local senior center. But hey, art.

Every book feels different. Every book feels like a gamble. For some reason, Beast Sheikh does most especially. I’m half expecting six pages of ‘what were you thinking??’ But then, that could just be the caffeine talkin’.

However, I am working on my Sooper Sekrit Projekt and I’m having a LOT of fun with it! It’s my very first continuity, and while I can’t give details, I’m referring to my hero as Hot Rod in public. πŸ™‚ It’s a very different experience, because I get to really work with other writers to make it all come together. It’s fun to be in on a collaboration like this!

The characters I was given were different to what I would normally do too, but that’s been half the fun. We’re not given a full outline for things like this. There’s info about the unifying situation, or family, and then a small little write up on the hero and heroine and their general situation. But from there, it’s up to us to make it our own.

I’ve found I really enjoy it! Because I’m having to take characters that wouldn’t come to me organically and really try to understand them and give them their motivation and conflict. That’s still up to us. And even with a vague outline, any there are infinite possibilities to what the end product could be!

Because, for most of us, an idea is the easy part. I have a folder filled with ideas. But you could give ten writers the exact same prompt and come up with ten completely different stories. Because it’s voice and execution that really bring a story to life.

So that’s me, trying to focus on something else and not angst. And not eat cookies. And occasionally this week, I have succeeded. πŸ™‚


13 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. But cookies can be soooooo good!

  2. Marcie, I agree with wholehearted passion.

  3. Love the art work, Maisey. And everything is better with cookies.

  4. You tease me with Sooper Sekrit Projekt! Go on, just send me the first few pages…chapters… book…

  5. I often wondered about the birth of the continuity books. It really does sound like a lot of fun. And distracting from the inbox stalking.

    *hands Maisey a cookie*

  6. I hear you on the editor waiting angst! The worst!! But I get no cookies, I’m in wedding dress count down (less than a month to go!).

    The continuity sounds cool! What fun to work with other writers πŸ™‚

  7. Thanks Anne! And yes, it is.

    Lacey, I am a tease, aren’t I? πŸ˜‰

    Julia, it’s really interesting! There’s a lot of info on the central event, and the family, then kind of vague outline for each of us with character descriptions and such. I can’t wait to see how it all comes together! It’s a whole different challenge and I’m loving it.

    Leah, it is fun! But intimidating when you’re coordinating with authors who are basically legendary! LOL. I don’t feel worthty!! Yay re the wedding!! I remember my own countdown well. πŸ˜‰ I’m not *really* eating cookies if you must know. It’s fat free rice cakes. Because RWA is in 11wks!!

  8. Ah… but I guess “fat free rice cakes” don’t have quite the same ring to them! πŸ™‚ I’m not even getting to eat rice cakes, I’m on 1000 calories a day… ick!

    OMG, really only 11 weeks until RWA?? We paid for our flights last week, it’s all SO exciting!

  9. Nah, Leah, they really don’t. Must confess to falling off the wagon last night and eating pizza.

    100 calories a day!? AGH!!!

    And yes, 11 weeks! Am so excited! And we have to get together!! There must be an antho party!!

  10. Yes, definitely need an antho party! That would be awesome πŸ™‚

  11. Hope you hear soon, Maisey. And fat-free rice cakes instead of cookies?! Pfft.

  12. We need to move an alternate universe where Fat Free Rice Cakes taste as good as cookies, then it would be a non-issue lol

    Continuities can be so much fun!

    I adore the illustrations, and can’t wait for your next book to hurry up and come out πŸ˜‰

  13. Leah, partay!!

    Kate…not for a while it looks like. :/

    Jess, thanks for stopping by! Yes. I want chocolate chipe rice cakes. Made with real butter. *noms* This is my first continuity, but I’ve read my share, so this is v exciting for me!!

    Thanks re the illustrations. πŸ™‚ Next book hits US in September… πŸ˜€

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