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August 14, 2010

Romance Is Serious Business

One of my darling Sassies has been very excited to head down to the shops and pick up her copy of His Virgin Acquisition. Of course, when the big day arrived, she wasn’t feeling well enough to go. (she says she felt very guilty…and of course there was no need!)

But when she came back up from her potting shed (that’s where all her writing magic happens!) she found that her husband, who had been at a meeting for other motercyclists, had left her a surprise…

I don’t know which one I love more, that he brought her my book, or that he brought her coffee!! (sweet nectar of life…)

But, it gets better. Apparently, he went into the bookstore in full biker gear (leather, head scarf, wallet on a chain…) and proceeded to take pictures of my book on the shelves.

Now…this is a bookstore that knows what to do with romance!!

So her then picked up a copy of my book and brought it to the counter. Now, understand, this guy is a strapping man. He’s hero worthy really. A very handsome Irish man with dark hair and a square jaw that would make any alpha male jealous. (I like a strong jaw. So sue me.)

As he puts the book on the counter, the lady says, “something light for a change?”

And he says, “romance is serious business.”

He’s nominated for…some sort of award I’ve yet to make up….Spectacular Contributions to the Romance Genre by a Man or something…and also, if anyone needs any hero inspiration….look no further!


21 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. This is by far the best book-buying post I’ve ever read. I’m wondering where to find me one of these romance-buying alpha-esque Irish bikers. πŸ™‚ Yummy!

    • Yep. That man has earned some major points!! I believe his wife said she loves him a little bit more now. πŸ™‚ Needless to say, I love him a little more now too, even though I’ve never met him!

  2. Loving his work Maisey! That is a REAL hero. :o)

    Your book looks really quite marvelous on the shelf doesn’t it?
    And guess what – i’m just off to tuck myself up in bed with it and I can’t wait!!!


  3. Joanne, thanks so much! Now that’s a lovely thing to hear! And yes, must say, that guy is a hero. We Sassies are quite lucky in that regard, I think! We’re married to some excellent heroes who are very supportive!

  4. What fabulous pictures you’ve conjured up in my mind – I bet that woman went home and told her family “You’ll never guess what happened today…”
    Loved the pictures of your book on the shelves, go Maisey!

  5. Susan, I’ll bet she did! And hey, maybe she bought a copy to see what that tough guy was interested in. LOL.

    And thank you! I can’t wait to see it on the shelves here…just over a month till it hits the NA shelves!

  6. Aw! He is a real hero, that’s definitely my favorite book buying story.

    P.S. How great do your books look on those shelves huh?

  7. Thanks, Lacey! I think they look fabulous! As I mentioned, when I see them here…wow. I *may* pass out. I’ll take many piccies for sure and torment you all with them!! And to think, same month HVA is on the shelves here, Mistake will be on the shelves in the UK!

  8. I loved this story so much, I just asked my hubs to mute the PGA tour so I could read it aloud to him.

    “Romance is a serious business.”

    LOLOL – seriously, laughed till I had tears in my eyes. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  9. What a guy! Sometimes men can surprise you! Your friend is a lucky girl!

  10. Jessica, I think it’s pretty amazing. The man has magical comeback powers. πŸ™‚

    Wendy, indeed they can! My husband read His Virgin Acquisition when it arrived in book form. I thought that was pretty sweet!

  11. What a hero. I read the story out loud to my husband too, who looked at me sideways as if to say ‘Do I have to do that sort of stuff?’

  12. Dear Sally’s husband. The bar has been raised in Ireland.


  13. LOL, I think he’s raised the bar worldwide! I’ve been grinning for days now and thinking I’ve got to meet this man πŸ™‚

  14. I agree, Robyn! I agree! He must be quite something. πŸ™‚

  15. You know, the description of this man is suspiciously familiar to me. The table in the picture looks suspiciously familiar to me. I’m pretty sure I’ve wiped that table down a couple of times!!

    And let me tell you, the coffee was nice but the book was sensational. Can’t wait for October when the man in question can take another trip to Cork city and buy his ever appreciative wife your next book.

  16. Aideen, I thought it might all seem straaaangley familiar to you. πŸ™‚ And I was wondering when you might come claim your hubby. You ought to stand up and a take a bow, because you are one lucky wife! πŸ˜‰ (and he’s a lucky man, but we already knew that!!)

    And, can I just say, that you liked my book more than that coffee means a lot to me. You know how I feel about coffee.

  17. That man sound’s delicious, he must be in the UK, because their all Modern’s on the shelf. I just wish I could meet a man like him, who is prepared to buy his woman a gorgeous book with the M&B logo on! What a guy!
    And you’re in such fantastic company on that shelf: Sandra Marton’s Falcon, (he’s on my bedside table as I speak and is proving to be true hero quality) and Chantelle Shaw’s, Raul Carducci who proved that love is all that it promises to be.
    Congrats Maisey, it must feel fab to be with these fabulously talented women on that shelf.
    xx Karen

  18. Karen, it is an amazing thing to be on the shelves, and in the same line, as those women. I admire them hugely, and those books and the women who write them are why I write.

    Now, as surreal is it is being on the shelf with Sandra…sitting at the same table with her, and actually spending a bit of time with her at RWA was even more surreal. And she’s just about the nicest woman!

    Actually, I got to meet up with a few of the Presents authors and they are all as nice as can be. πŸ˜€

  19. The guy rocks. Told that story to Annie West (shameless name drop alert) and she was soooo impressed!

  20. And Annie West KNOWS romance.

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