Inspiration and more *delete* *delete* *delete*
Well, I don’t know if I mentioned here that last week I got some pretty hefty revisions on my proposal (The Russian) from my editor.
And today, I finished the partial. The new partial. Totally rewritten and a whole lot better than what I had the first time. So, proudly, I handed it to my husband to read and said ‘So? Whatdya think? Huh? What? What?’ and he said…’meh.’
*face palm*
So I sent it on to the sisters, who were a bit more enthusiastic, but still full of new suggestions. And their suggestions sparked…inspiration.
Totally new inspiration for the same characters. And now…well…that means *delete* *delete* *delete*. Forty pages of *delete*.
Hey, as long as I’m inspired, I do not fear the delete key. It’s that moment, that moment that’s like jumping out of an airplane and wondering if your chute will open, when someone says ‘yeah, that doesn’t work.’ and your mind is totally blank. No idea how to fix it. That’s what scares me.
But going into the big DELETE with inspiration? As Cuzco would say, “bring it on. Boooyah.”
Also, on another, kind of bummer-ish note, I just wanted to touch briefly on book piracy. Any piracy really. If you’re a reader, and you love the books, please do the right thing and support the authors by buying them legally. Writing is our job, the book is our product, not paying for that product is stealing. And it just kind of…sucks. :-/
Now I want to end on a high note… 😀 It’s just over a week until I leave for Orlando for Nationals! I’m super excited to meet my editor, my fellow Sassy Sister, Abbi, and a lot of the wonderful writers, both published, and un-published, I’ve met here on the interwebz!
If you’ll be at Nationals, let me know in the comments, and also, give me a hollah if you see me!
8 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed
Super exciting that you’re going to Nationals, you’ll have a wonderful time!
And aren’t crit partners just the best?
As for pirates, should be made to walk the plank. Every. One. Of. Them.
Jo, argh and avast! And crit partners, and a husband who lets me bounce ideas off of him all the time, are indeed the best!
Nationals is going to be fabulous, but it’s just over a week before I leave and I’m getting a bit nervous. And weepy when I look at my children. 🙂
Yeah *claps* for inspiration.
Boo *hiss* for piracy.
Can’t wait for Nationals. And as Abbi and I are roommates, I’m sure I’ll see you there!
Hehe…yes indeed! *boo!!*
I didn’t know you were rooming with Dear Abbi! Yay! We’ll most definitely meet up!
yay for inspiration!
Just finished your book! Loved it, until the end…but it was really good, well done 🙂
Hey, Kerrin…You didn’t like the end? 🙁
I’m piracy naive I don’t even know where I’d look to do an illegal download lol but may they all get viruses and have their hard drives die. Yeah, that’s right, tough love baby.
Wow you are 40 pages of brave. When you’re done could you come and do mine cause I’m still whimpering and I think my inspiration went on a cruise…
Hehe…well, likely there’s a mess a cookies getting in and reading all their stuff. 😉
I’m forty pages of whiny at the moment, Lacey, but here’s hoping it gets better. I need to get past these first forty pages and really get into the story. Setting things up = hard.