I have to say, it’s a scary thing sending your book out into the world. Of course I want my readers to enjoy what I write. That’s the whole point, after all!
So, I have to say, I’m very pleased to say I have one four star and three five star reviews on Mills and Boon UK (although one came from Jackie Ashenden…and she might be biased…)
And, I’ve been having SO much fun over the past three days while Emma Peterson read His Virgin Acquisition and tweeted her reactions to certain scenes.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I thank her for letting me experience her experiencing the book. LOL.
I was treated to gems such as: :Haha! How do you like that, Marco! The tables have been turned! Ha! #HisVirginAcquisition #SexyArrogantBastard
“U kno that heart tug feeling you get at a certain point in a book when ur heart/chest really hurts?…I’m at that part!”
She also pegged, dead on, that I like to torture my characters. 🙂
So, thanks, Emma! I really enjoyed that! And now I’ll close the day with a great big smile on my face.
And, and now I have to add the fabulous review Emma left on Good Reads!
What would you do to get what was rightfully yours? If you are Elaine you’d go to the man who bought your father’s company, the company that should be rightfully yours, and you’d proposition him.
It should have been a simple arrangement, one that would benefit them both but when gasoline meets a lit match nothing is simple about the explosion to follow.
His Virgin Acquisition is an originally awesome book that tugs at the heartstrings and not only has the reader suspending belief but convinces at the end there will absolutely be no chance for a happy ending.
Maisey Yates is definitely an author to keep an eye on.
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Nice Maisey! Only confirms what we knew all along.And no, not biased, I just know what I like. 🙂
Thanks, Jackie. 🙂
Go Emma! I really like this girl already, she has excellent taste I reckon! And Jackie’s not biased, like Emma, she has excellent taste too.
I’m so happy to watch you have these kind of reactions Maisey, it’s fabulous that we get to share.
well, i’m really enjoying this one too!!
I can’t wait to share them with you, Aideen! I know you’re on your way!
Kerrin, I’m so glad to hear it!