A funny thing, confidence. You have to have a measure of it to submit. Heck, you have to have a measure of it to sit down and write a book in the first place. But the thing about confidence (for me at least) is that it’s a fleeting thing, and easily upset.
I’ve been told several times (by my parents, husband, editor) that I need more confidence. A funny thing, again, since I’ve always considered myself a confident person. I’m outgoing, I can talk for seven or eight people. But, there are plenty of areas I lack confidence. Oh, and I lack it spectacularly sometimes.
I can easily doubt every word that goes down on the page while I’m writing, and then do it again as I revise. And it’s to the detriment of my writing. Because when I can just forget about what others might be expecting and just write. Trust what I feel, and my inclinations, then it’s usually better. Of course I have to think about what I’ve learned, since I have this strong inclination to move my poor reader through several conversations and, sometimes, several countries in the first few chapters to the detriment of my character development.
I guess it’s that happy medium that Jackie A was talking about. Yes, you have to keep in mind what you’ve learned. Yes, you can’t be so confident you can’t see the mistakes you’ve made and correct them. But you also have to trust your instincts and be you, and be confident in what you bring to your writing, the thing that makes you unique, so that you can stand out. (in a good way, not in a kid throwing a tantrum in the supermarket way)
So, I’m off to search for my confidence and try to take my own advice as I write about The Land Stud. *g* I have to follow someone’s instincts…might as well be mine.
Of course, there’s also overconfidence…which you have to watch out for.
Also, come and see Ms. Jilly Aston over on the Seven Sassy Sisters blog as she discusses winning the MH portion of the M&B comp, chimpanzees and George Clooney.
6 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed
I have to say, I lost mine a while back. Slowly getting back but it takes a while. I wish could find that happy medium! Actually, when I’m writing and totally involved in the story, I’m like you, I don’t think about any of that stuff. Just need to get back into writing I guess!
I reckon confidence is what you need for the first draft, then caution for the second!
I think writers are notoriously insecure. I could read 10 positive reviews of my book and 1 bad one and you know which one stays with me! When I submit a book, my confidence slowly leaks away as I wait for my editor to get back to me until I am quite sure it’s the worst thing she’s ever read and she’s just trying to find a way to break it to me. Ultimately the thing that helps me is to focus on the story and not necessarily how I *feel* about the story. The more involved I am with my characters and their dilemma, the less I stand outside of it and wring my hands in hopeless worry. As far as overconfidence goes… I’m not sure I know what that feels like
Jackie, you’ll get it back. It’s really hard after what you’ve been through. I know, because a couple rewrites in a row did a number on me, so I can’t imagine how dented you must feel. But it will come back. You’re on the right track now, and you need to have confidence in that. (heh, did you see what I did there? Confidence.)
Sally, that’s a really good way to put it. First draft you really need to tell the story and get it down, then…that’s the going deeper serious thinking and doubting and thinking and doubting some more. LOL.
Kate, so true! And I think it’s because writing is incredibly personal. You don’t have to have gone to a private island with a billionaire for a story to have part of you in it. It naturally does, and that’s a very revealing thing. So when someone doesn’t like it, it feels like a rejection of you in some ways. And that’s human nature! Ten people can say they like my dress, but if one person says it makes my butt look big, I wonder if everyone else was just being nice. LOL.
Overconfidence? I don’t know what that is either. *g*
Ha ha! I dunno I think the cat’s got it in the bag there
It’s a elusive thing that confidence.
Unless the eagle carries him off and drops him in a lake somewhere.