Archive for Harlequin
FREE read on — Say Yes, Cowboy
Every week from now until April 17th — just before the release of Slow Burn Cowboy on April 18th! — Harlequin will be posting up a chapter of my FREE read, Say Yes, Cowboy. If you ever wondered what happened to Natalie Bailey, the woman who left Colton West at the altar in Tough Luck […]
Read the Rest »Rewrite Update
I’m working on rewrites for book number three, and I submitted the rewritten partial to my editor about two weeks ago. Of course that’s always nail biting and I think I might have worked out what makes major revisions, to me, so hard to get a good read on. I think going through revisions, or […]
Read the Rest »The Path To Publication
This post was inspired by publishing myths over on Writer Beware ( a great resource for writers!) where she was talking about the myth that you have to know ‘someone’ to get into the biz. So I wanted to talk a little bit about my journey from slush to shelf, and all of the stops […]
Read the Rest »Characters, Conflict and Plot! (Oh, my!)
Seems like a simple thing, you make up a story, you write it down. (Those of you who have been doing this for any length of time are laughing already…) There’s a lot more to it than that though!! And even though I know a lot of the tricks and rules, I still find myself […]
Read the Rest »Love Scenes
This is a discussion that came up in my crit group a little while back, and Jackie also discussed it on her blog recently. So I wanted to continue on the topic, because, let’s face it, in romance, this is kind of important. Of course we know that romance isn’t about sex. It’s not one […]
Read the Rest »Merry Christmas To Me! (Revisions!)
So funny that I happened to do a post on revisions right before receiving a fresh new set of my own! I felt immediately compelled to come to my own web site for a reminder of why revisions are good. 🙂 Christmas Eve morning the revisions for my second submission to M&B landed in my […]
Read the Rest »The Call
When I got up this morning and grimaced at my alarm clock, I did not think I would be getting any kind of life changing news. I was thinking I have to go get my son enrolled in preschool, go buy a backpack for him, clean the kitchen, the living room…etc. I did not think […]
Read the Rest »Alphas Again
Okay, yes, perhaps I’ve over posted on alphas. But they’re darn tricky to write, because there is a fine line to walk between alpha and alphole sometimes, and no one wants to write the latter! So my dear sister, Aideen, sent me this lovely quote that she saw on a documentary last night and I […]
Read the Rest »The Internal Conflict, and How it conflicts Me Internally
I’ve done a post on internal conflict before, but it bears repeating. I give the whole subject a lot of thought, after all. As we all should, since getting it wrong seems to earn a lot of very talented writers some very fast rejection letters! I was fortunate that my own conflict issue has only […]
Read the Rest »Alpha-betizing Your Hero!
Okay, image is kind of unrelated, I just love this cover*. But really, this guy is pretty hot, can you blame me? Ahem… When I received my first revision letter back on Oct. of ’08, for the partial MS I had submitted, one of the main things the editor wanted me to change was the […]
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