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Canary Street Press
May 23, 2023

One Little Spark

(Maisey Yates writing as Ellie Banks)

Before the fire, it was the perfect place to raise a family.

An idyllic community where neighbors knew one another…

or so they thought.

Jenna Abbott’s life went up in flames even before the fire started in Tenmile, Oregon. She was still coping with her husband's affair—and the revelation that he got a much younger woman pregnant—when the fire finally died down, and Ryan was among the missing.

Chelsea Goddard still can’t explain how her estranged husband got back to Tenmile from out of the country the day of the fire, and she also can’t shake the nagging feeling that the secrets they’ve kept between them for the last twenty years might just be the tinder that made it all burn.

Morgan White knew getting involved with a married man was wrong, even before she got pregnant. She might be the only one who knows the truth about some of Tenmile's leading citizens…but people would have to stop treating her like a pariah to hear it.

Alex Coleman doesn’t remember anything from that fateful day, why she was found wandering on a rural road or why she has dreams of standing on scorched earth, holding a book of matches.

For four women, when the flames finally burn out, what’s left behind will be even more devastating than the fire itself…

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