December 17, 2013
ISBN 9780373132096
Forged in the Desert Heat
Harlequin Presents
A woman that could start a war The Gypsy Sheikh, betrayer, modern-day marauder—Zafar Nejem has been called many things. And now he is to be called Your Majesty. Returning to the throne of Al Sabah, his first act is to rescue American heiress Analise Christensen from her desert kidnappers. Since Ana is engaged to the ruler of the neighboring kingdom, her discovery must be concealed until Zafar can explain her presence, or else he risks war. But as the sun rises over the sand dunes, so does the forbidden heat that burns between them, threatening everything
Also In this Series:
His Virgin Acquisition
October 5, 2010
An Accidental Birthright/A Mistake, A Prince and A Pregnancy
March 22, 2011
(Maximo’s Story)
The Inherited Bride
May 3, 2011
(Isabella’s Story)
The Highest Price to Pay
July 15, 2011
Marriage Made On Paper
September 1, 2011
(Gage’s Story)
The Petrov Proposal
February 1, 2012
(Maddy’s Story)
The Life She Left Behind
March 1, 2012
(Part of the Santina Crown Collection)
Hajar’s Hidden Legacy
August 7, 2012
Princess From the Shadows
October 1, 2012
(Part of the Santina Crown Collection)
A Royal World Apart
December 1, 2012
(Mak and Eva’s Story)
At His Majesty’s Request
January 1, 2013
(Stavros’s Story)
Heir to a Desert Legacy
March 19, 2013
(Part of Secret Heirs of Powerful Men)
Heir to a Dark Inheritance
April 23, 2013
(Part of Secret Heirs of Powerful Men)
His Pregnant Princess
June 1, 2013
The Couple Who Fooled the World
June 18, 2013
His Ring is Not Enough
August 20, 2013
A Hunger For the Forbidden/The Highest Price to Pay 2-in-1
November 19, 2013
Her Little White Lie
February 3, 2014
A Game of Vows
February 3, 2014
(Hannah’s Story)
Pretender to the Throne
February 18, 2014
(Xander's Story)
The Argentine’s Price
April 15, 2014
One Night in Paradise
April 15, 2014
(Zack’s Story)
Girl on a Diamond Pedestal
April 15, 2014
One Night to Risk it All
May 15, 2014
(Alex and Rachel’s Book)
Avenge Me
May 27, 2014
Take Me
June 2, 2014
Christmas with a Billionaire – Snowed in with Her Boss
October 7, 2014
To Defy A Sheikh
November 1, 2014
Sheikh’s Desert Duty (The Chatsfield)
January 1, 2015
(Book 1 in Chatsfield Part 2)
His Diamond of Convenience
April 1, 2015
(Victoria's Book)
The Billionaire’s Intern
June 7, 2015
(Addison Treffen's Book)
Married For Amari’s Heir
July 1, 2015
Bound to the Warrior King
September 1, 2015
The Queen’s New Year Secret
January 1, 2016
(Kairos & Tabitha)
The Greek’s Nine-Month Redemption
June 1, 2016
Carides’s Forgotten Wife
August 1, 2016
The Spaniard’s Pregnant Bride
October 1, 2016
The Prince’s Pregnant Mistress
December 1, 2016
The Italian’s Pregnant Virgin
January 1, 2017
The Last Di Sione Claims His Prize
February 1, 2017
The Prince’s Stolen Virgin
August 1, 2017
The Italian’s Pregnant Prisoner
October 1, 2017
The Spaniard’s Untouched Bride
January 1, 2019
#Brides of Innocence
The Spaniard’s Stolen Bride
His Forbidden Pregnant Princess
September 1, 2019
The Queen’s Baby Scandal
December 1, 2019
Crowning His Convenient Princess
January 1, 2020
His Majesty’s Forbidden Temptation
Crowned For His Christmas Baby
November 30, 2021
The Secret That Shocked Cinderella
August 23, 2022
Forbidden to the Desert Prince
November 29, 2022
A Virgin For the Desert King
December 27, 2022
The Italian’s Pregnant Enemy
January 30, 2024
Crowned For My Royal Baby
August 25, 2020
Pregnant Enemy, Christmas Bride
November 26, 2024
Chapter One
Sheikh Zafar Nejem scanned the encampment, the sun burning what little of his skin was revealed. He was as covered as he could possibly be, both to avoid the harsh elements of the desert, and to avoid being recognized.
Though, for most, the odds would be low out here, hundreds of miles from any city. But this was his home. Where he’d been raised. The place where he’d made his name as the most fearsome man in Al Sabah.
And considering his competition for the position, there was weight to the title.
Nothing seemed out of place here. Cooking fires were smoldering, and he could hear voices in the tents. He stopped for a moment. This was no family encampment, but that of a band of highway men. Thieves. Outlaws, not unlike himself. He knew these men, and they knew him. He had a tentative truce with them, but that didn’t mean he was ready to show himself.
It didn’t mean he trusted them. He trusted no one.
Especially not now.
Not now that there was certain to be unrest. Anger, backlash over his installation in the palace. On the throne.
Back to his rightful place.
The Gypsy Sheikh’s return had not been met with delight, at least not in the more ‘civilized’ corners of the country. His Uncle had done far too efficient a job in destroying his reputation for anyone to be pleased at his coronation.
If only he could dispel the rumors surrounding his exile. But he could not.
Because they were true.
But here, among the people who felt like his own. Among the people who had suffered most at his Uncle’s hand, there was happiness at least. They knew that whatever his sins, he had been working to atone.
Zafar looked out toward the horizon, all flat and barren from this point to Bihar. There was one more place to stop and seek shelter, but it was another five hour’s ride, and he didn’t relish the idea of more time spent in the saddle today.
He dismounted his horse and patted the animal, dust rising from his black coat. “I think we’ll take our chances here,” he said, leading him to a makeshift corral, where other horses were hemmed in, and opening the gate.
He closed it, making sure it was secure before walking back toward the main tent.
One of the men was already coming out to greet him.
“Sheikh,” he said, inclining his head. “A surprise.”
“Is it? You had to know I was heading back to Bihar.” A growing suspicion. The desert was vast and it seemed strange to intersect with Jamal’s band of thugs at this particular moment.
“I may have heard something about it. But there is more than one road to the capital city.”
“So you had no desire for a meeting with me?”
The other man smiled, dark eyes glinting in the golden light. “I didn’t say that. We were hoping to run into you. Or, at least, someone of yours means.”
“My means are still limited. I haven’t yet been back to Bihar.”
“And yet, you do find ways to acquire what you need.”
Zafar looked the man over. “As do you. Will you invite me in?”
“Not yet.”
Zafar knew something wasn’t going right. His truce with Jamal and his men was tentative. It was probably why they wanted to see him. He was in the position to put a stop to what they did out here in the desert, and he knew the places they liked to hit.
They weren’t dangerous men, at least, they weren’t entirely without conscience. And so they were on the bottom of a long list of concerns, but, as was human nature, they clearly believed themselves more important in his world than they were.
“Then have you gifts to offer me in place of hospitality?” Zafar asked dryly, a reference to common custom out in the desert.
“Hospitality will come,” Jamal said. “And while we don’t have gifts, we do have some items you might take an interest in.”
“The horses in the corral?”
“Most are for sale.”
“Them as well.”
“What use have I for camels? I imagine there is an entire menagerie of them waiting for me in Bihar. Cars as well.” It had been a long time since he’d ridden in a car. Utterly impractical for his lifestyle. They were a near foreign thought now, as were most other modern conveniences.
The other man smiled, his teeth brilliantly white against his dark beard. “I have something better. An offer we hope might appease you.”
“Not a gift though.”
“Items this rare and precious cannot be given away, your highness.”
“Perhaps you should allow me to be the judge of that.”
Jamal turned and shouted toward the tent and Zafar watched as two men emerged, holding a small, blonde woman between them. She looked up at him, pale eyes wide, red rimmed. She wasn’t dirty, neither did she look like she’d been handled too roughly. She wasn’t attempting an escape, either, but given their location…there would be no point. She would have nowhere to go.
“You have brought me a woman?”
“A potential bride, perhaps? Or just a plaything.”
“When have I ever given the indication that I’m the sort of man who buys women?”
“You seem like the sort of man who would not leave a woman in the middle of the desert.”
“And you would?” he asked.
“In no uncertain terms, your highness.”
“Why should I care about one, Western woman? I have a country to consider.”
“You will buy her, I think. And for our asking price.”
Zafar shrugged and turned away. “Ransom her. I’m sure her loved ones will pay much more than I am willing or able to.”
“I would ransom her, but it is not my intention to start a war.”
Zafar stopped and turned, his muscles locked tight, his heart pounding hard. “What?”
“A war, sheikh. It is not in my best interest to start one. I don’t want those Shakari bastards all over my desert.”
Shakar was the closest neighboring country to Al Sabah and relations between the two nations were at a breaking point, thanks to Zafar’s uncle. “What does Shakar have to do with this woman? She’s Western, clearly.”
“Yes. Clearly. She is also, if we believe her ranting from when we first took her, American heiress Analise Christensen. I imagine you have heard the name. She is betrothed to the sheikh of Shakar.”
Yes, he had heard the name. He was largely cut off from matters of State but he still heard things. He made sure he did. And clearly, Jamal made certain he heard things as well. “And how is it I play into this? What is it you want with her?” he spat.
“We can start a war here, or end one, the choice is yours. Also, with the wrong words in the right ear, even if you take her, but threaten us? We can put you in a very bad position. How is it you ended up with her? The future bride of a man rumored to be the enemy of Al Sabah? Your hands are bound, Zafar.”
In truth, he would never have considered leaving the woman here with them, but what they were suggesting was blackmail, and one problem he didn’t need. One problem too many.
So, buy her and drop her off at the nearest airport.
Yes. He could do. He didn’t have very much money on him, but he didn’t think their aim was the get the highest price off the beauty’s head so much as they were searching for protection. Zafar was, after all, ready to assume the throne, and he knew all of their secrets.
He looked down at the woman who claimed to be an heiress, betrothed to a sheikh. Anger blazed from those eyes, he could see it clearly now. She was not defeated, but she was also smart enough to save her energy. To not waste time fighting here and now.
“You have not harmed her?” he asked, his throat getting tight with disgust at the thought.
“We have not laid a finger on her, beyond binding her to keep her from escaping. Where would her value be, where would our protection be, if she were damaged?”
They were offering him a chance to see her returned as if nothing had happened, he understood. If she were assaulted, it would be clear and Al Sabah, and by extension the new and much maligned sheikh, would be blamed.
And war would be imminent.
Either from Shakar or from his own people, were they to learn of what had happened under his ‘watch.’
He made an offer. Every bit of money he had. “I’m not dealing,” he said. “That is my only offer.”
Jamal looked at him, his expression hard. “Done.” He extended his hand, and Zafar didn’t, for one moment, mistake it as an offer for a handshake. He reached into his robes and produced a drawstring coin purse, old-fashioned, not used in widely in the culture of the day.
But he’d been disconnected from the culture of the day for fifteen years so that was no surprise.
He poured the coins into his hand. “The woman,” he said, extending his arm, fist closed. “The woman first.”
One of the men walked her forward and Zafar took hold of her arm, drawing her tight into his body. She was still, stiff, her eyes straight ahead, not once resting on him.
He then passed the coins to Jamal. “I think I will not be stopping for the night.”
“Eager to try her out, sheikh?”
“Hardly,” he said, his lip curling. “As you said, there is no surer way to start a war.”
He tightened his hold on her and walked her to the corral. She was quiet, unnaturally so and he wondered if she was in shock. He looked down at her face, expecting to see her eyes looking glassy or confused. Instead, she was looking around, calculating.
“No point, princess,” he said in English. “There is nowhere to go out here, but unlike those men, I mean you no harm.”
“And I’m supposed to believe you?” she asked.
“For now.” He opened the gate and his horse approached. He led him from the enclosure. “Can you get on the horse? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t want to get on the horse,” she said, her voice monotone.
He let out a long breath and hauled her up into his arms, pulling her, and himself, up onto the horse in one fluid motion, bringing her to rest in front of his body. “Too bad. I paid too much for you to leave you behind.”
He tapped his horse and the animal moved to a trot, taking them away from the camp.
“You…you bought me?”
“All things considered I got a very good deal.”
“A good…a good deal!”
“I didn’t even look at your teeth, for all I know I was taken advantage of.” He wasn’t in the mood to deal with a hysterical woman. Or a woman in general, no matter her mental state. But he was stuck with one now.
He supposed he should be…sympathetic, or something like that. He no longer knew how.
“You were not,” she said, clipped.
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UK Edition
Mills & Boon
January 3, 2014
ISBN 9780263908152
- Brides of Innocence
- Copper Ridge: All Books
- Copper Ridge: Desire
- Copper Ridge: Novellas
- Copper Ridge: The Donnellys
- Copper Ridge: The Garretts
- Copper Ridge: The Wests
- Deacons of Bourbon Street
- Fifth Avenue
- Four Corners Ranch
- Gold Valley
- Gold Valley Vineyards
- Harlequin Presents
- Heirs Before Vows
- Jasper Creek
- Montana Born Brides
- Once Upon a Seduction
- Princes of Petras
- Rustler Mountain
- Silver Creek
- The Call of Duty
- The Carson's of Lone Rock
- The Forbidden Series
- Accidental Pregnancy
- Anthology
- Best Friend's Little Sister
- Best Friend's Older Brother
- Billionaires
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- Cosmo Red Hot Reads
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- Domestic Suspense
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- Fake Relationship
- Forbidden Love
- Friends to Lovers
- Mail Order Bride
- Marriage of Convenience
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