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March 18, 2012

Slack Blogging and Lessons From Mr. Personality

Apologies for my slack blogging! I’ve been up to my eyeballs in Mr. Personality (my hero of the moment) plus dealing with the fact that the RT Convention cometh. (V excited but woefully unprepared!)

I’m also counting calories in preparation for the RT Convention (must lose 5lbs so I can gain it back eating Chicago style pizza, amirite?) which has stolen my ability to binge eat cookies while I wait to hear about various things and work my through what has been the SINGLE MOST DEVASTATING HERO I’VE EVER WRITTEN EVER OMG.

This was one of those books where I more or less knew the hero’s background going in, but until I actually wrote it, I didn’t understand just what it had done to him. My friends, our boy is screwed up.

It’s strange writing a book like this, tackling a character like this. He emerged somewhat organically as the story went. As it grew, so did he. As I went, the depth of his issues became more apparent. They weren’t issues/reactions I could have possible dreamed from nothing before starting the book. (Reason #175 I’m a panster, more or less. I just DON’T come up with everything from the beginning)

It’s also exciting stumbling on a book like this. This book is my 15th Presents (or could possible be if I haven’t gone a bridge too far for my poor editor to handle!) and there was a certain level of total SQUEE I felt in stumbling on a story, and a hero, so different to what I normally do.

Because I feel like I opened a door on new ideas and possibilities.

This is one reason I feel like no MS, no matter its ultimate fate, is a waste. Because each and every book teaches you new things. Forces you to look at character, conflict, motivation, in a different light.

I’m hoping my editor will like Mr. Personality. 😉 If she doesn’t, I’ll try to remember just how impacting I felt he was on my writing. And I might break my diet and eat  %*(&%loads of cookies. 😉


3 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Maisey,
    I love how graciously you share your hard earned writing wisdom, but there is one question that has been nagging me for a while now and I think I finally feel brave enough to ask it and I hope you haven’t been asked this to many times before (deep breath)
    What kind of cookies? I ask this b/c I am a big time cookie fan and I’m curious if different kind of cookies have different healing properties, much like crystals and semi-precious gems. 🙂

  2. I love a screwed up hero 🙂 I hope Mr Personality reaches our shelves.

  3. Best. Hero. Ever. That is all.


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