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August 23, 2011

Covers and Stuff!

Well, have been in the revision cave getting The Coffee Magnate’s book all sorted out! In the meantime, I have Big Stuff happening!

First of all, MARRIAGE MADE ON PAPER is out in North America today! I hope everyone who picks it up enjoys my Presents take on a romantic comedy. 😉

And yesterday, I got to see the cover for my UK November release THE ARGENTINE’S PRICE. So here’s a little taste of what you’ll find in Vanessa and Lazaro’s story…

It’s time for the housekeeper’s son to collect his dues…

Lazaro Marino will stop at nothing to reach the top. He’s climbed his way out of poverty, but there’s still one thing that’s been denied him: entry into the highest echelons of society. And blue-blooded heiress Vanessa Pickett is the key to unlocking the door to all that he desires…

With her business in crisis, Vanessa is desperate. A marriage proposal of the utmost convenience will give both Lazaro and Vanessa everything they need… But, for Vanessa, this deal with the devil comes with a startling price…

I don’t think there’s a book I can say I didn’t adore writing, or one that didn’t present its challenges. But this was my first reunion story, my first where the hero and heroine had a shared past. It was neat to have a hero who had changed so much in his pursuit of wealth and status, be put with a heroine who knew who he was before any of it. It was also my first book where revenge played a part in the plot. *evil grin*

This is the beginning of my Fall release storm! LOL. I’m going to try and keep up with everything…but in the meantime…REVISIONS AWAIT!


5 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Fab cover Maisey – can’t wait to read it. Caroline x

  2. Ooooh, niceness!! 🙂

  3. Gorgeous cover, Maisey. I’m looking forward to reading it.

  4. Beautiful cover!

  5. Gorgeous cover, Maisey! Congrats!!

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