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March 10, 2011


I’m celebrating because Marriage Made on Paper is currently #8 in the weekly top ten on Mills and Boon UK…and An Accidental Birthright has been in the daily top 5 on eharlequin’s ebook site since its release and…today it’s #1!

So I’m giving away a copy of one of my books to a lucky commenter…it’s winner’s choice! So if my random winner picker (also known as Mr. Yates) picks you, you can choose which book you’d like!

His Virgin Acquisition (Marriage of convenience with a twist), An Accidental Birthright/A Mistake, A Prince and A Pregnancy (IVF mix-up means the heroine is pregnant with a prince’s baby), The Inherited Bride (Sheikhs and forbidden love) or Marriage Made on Paper! (An office romance with a little His Girl Friday/Two Weeks Notice vibe)

So comment! Tell me why you love romance…or why you love Presents…and then I will have hubby pick a winner!


19 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Yay! You rule, Maisey!
    A girl’s gotta love romance. Whether it’s Angel and Buffy (sorry but he is her sweetheart :p) or Johnny and Baby in Dirty Dancing, I’m all about the falling in love. And if I’m not watching the lovey dovey on TV, I can indulge myself with a great romantic novel (usually with chocolate bar in hand) and get caught up in the drama knowing there’s always a happy ending in sight.

    karin x

  2. Ooohhh, Maisey! A Giveaway! You rock!

    Ok, I’m bringing another one to the table…Damon and Elena from Vampire Diaries, the doomed lover in a love triangle. The unrequited love. ….Did anyone see the episode where Damon paired Elena at the ball…oh so romantic!

    I’ve been addicted to M&B since the early 80’s, so Presents was the original line. And now with new authors the alpha males are brought to their knees by the heroines and it makes a fascinating read! Same alpha males but feisty heroines!

    BTW, I loved the hip movements of Patrick Swayze in DD! Yesterday I saw the same song in Glee but the dance was not….

  3. Karin, it’s like you don’t even remember Spike saving the world…and being so hot it ought to be illegal. πŸ˜‰ I agree. Romance just makes you happy!

    Nas, oh yeah, our heroines can be quite something these days. Ladies who aren’t afraid to go toe to toe with the alpha hero.

    And I’ve never seen vampire diaries…maybe I’m missing out!

  4. Presents: my romantic fix – an indulgence to be savoured and enjoyed.

  5. I like that, Alexandra. It’s mine too!

  6. I have loved romance since I was 3 years-old watching Hello Dolly! Dolly was the best heroine. Courageously taking love by the horns and pursuing her one heart’s desire.

    Ever since I am a sucker for a good love story. I love Historicals with an unbridled passion, though I am moved by delicious contemporaries as well.

    Romance movies are also a fav on my list. I love tortured heros, love at first sight, friends who fall in love, and all the tropes that you can possibly think of.

    Finally I am a sucker for the knight in shining armor.

    Great Job on the Success Maisey! You are awesome and those numbers just prove it!

  7. I just don’t do blonds Maisey! Lol And you would sooooooo go for Damon in Vampire Diaries, he’s the BADDEST boy (and he has dark hair πŸ™‚ )

    karin x

  8. I read romances to get away…

    And because lots of times in the beginnings their lives suck worse than mine and then there’s always a happier ending…Gives a gurl hope

  9. I love romance because real life is gloomy enough – I need the happy in my fiction! And I love yours in particular because you have such a fun, modern voice. πŸ™‚

    Congrats on all your awesome success!

  10. Maisey,

    So thrilled for you. It must be such a rush to see your books hit thoose numbers on the list. I hope it something you continue to see.

  11. Why do I love romance? Why doesn’t everyone love romance? The emotional rollercoaster that you hate to love; the hormone rushes; the heart palpitations; the suspense of not knowing or better yet not knowing ‘when’; the surprises; the tears (happy and sad); the secrets; the breathlessness; the nerves; the thrill………..what else has all that? Romance is my drug of choice and I’ll imbibe every chance I get. The high lasts for ages and cravings are easily satisfied with a book, a movie or if I’m lucky – in real life!

    Congrats on the number one spot!

  12. I love romance because it makes me happy, laugh, and cry. I love knowing that despite all the problems that will inevitably crop up for the hero and the heroine, somehow, they’ll figure it out by the end of the book and make my heart sigh.

  13. No, I’m not commenting to win, but just to say that you totally want all of Maisey’s releases because they are all awesome! πŸ™‚

  14. Look at you on all the lists! Congrats! How is it at the top? Better keep me out of the draw too, can’t be greedy πŸ˜‰

  15. Eek! I left and it got busy around her. *pulls up a chair* *pours a drink* Will draw in the morning, my time. I want to give my UK friends a chance to enter!

    Landra, oooh, friends to lovers and I LOVE a tortured hero. Love love love. And I love to torture my heroes…mwahahaha.

    Karin, have you SEEN Mr. Yates? Generally, I don’t like blonds either, but Spike just had a THING about him.

    Kiwi, I know it. Sometimes the news just gets me down during the day and that’s one reason I started reading romance. It’s a guaranteed happy ending when life just doesn’t come with that same guarantee.

    Cari, you’re so sweet! And I second that about the gloom. That’s why I like to add happy to the world with my books.

    Donna, surreal for sure! Thanks for the congrats.

    Elisaa, preach on, sister. PREACH ON.

    Jamie, I love it too. I love that they have to work for it, that LOVE on its own isn’t enough, but that they have to overcome their personal demons too. More realistic than people believe, romance is.

    Jackie, :p you are silly.

    Lacey, you DO tend to win ALL of my drawings, don’t you?

  16. Yes Maisey, you is one luckee lady πŸ™‚

  17. Romances take me away from realiity n the guys r hot…..

  18. Why do I love Romance? Its a re-affirmation of life, its the idea that there is someone out there that will balance you (I won’t say other half of me, as I think to find the right one you need to be complete in yourself enough to be able to lean against someone on the bad days). The best romantic gestures are not the trips to Paris, diamonds, new cars (but sweetie if you are reading, I won’t say no πŸ˜‰ but its the guy who gets out of bed to get you a towel when you forget to bring one into the shower, who will sit through Fashion Police with you, passes you the packet of sugar across the table, lets me hog the window seat on every flight….
    Its the unintentional thoughtfulness that to me is true romance.

  19. Karin, too right!

    Holly, Amen. πŸ˜‰

    Sue, I love it. It’s so true. Romance is in the small things, as much as any grand gesture if not more. It’s the every day, the ever after. πŸ™‚

    Am about to pick a winner…

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