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May 23, 2010

Surrender To The Shiny

I did it. I was seduced by the shiny. I just ordered an iPad, a handy case and a blue tooth keyboard. I want it for the battery life, the portability and…and…it’s SO SHINY.

I’ve tested it a bit, both in store and by taking advantage of my friend and fellow writer Lisa Hendrix, and I’m really satisfied that it will do what I want it too. Which is basically be an alternative to a netbook or a laptop.

I have big plans for it, and I’ll blog more about it when Teh Shiny arrives in the mail. (BTW, no one will leave the house until it arrives. I has to be signed for. We’re all stuck here, signing hands at the ready for the foreseeable future).

Biggest thing, I needed it to be practical for writing. I love the blue tooth keyboard. It’s extremely comfortable to use and it can be pretty far away from the iPad, you know, if you want it to be for some reason. 😛

I also like some of the productivity apps, like evernote, which lets you compile screen shots of websites, photos you took, notes you took, yada yada yada, all in one place. And Corkulous looks like lots of fun. A virtual corkboard for me to pin photos of my heroes and their gorgeous houses.

Anyway, as I said, I will blog about how it holds up as a writing device and how very, very shiny it really is, when it comes in the mail. Except squeeing. Lots of it.


9 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. I am SO jealous, I need to go and lie down in a dark room to calm down!!!!!!

    Def give us a full report, I need ammo to convince James that I need one.

    Congrats on the shiny stuff, have fun!!


  2. oooh I am very JEALOUS too. I always seem to just go and buy something and then something better comes out 🙁 Can’t wait to hear how it goes!!

  3. Joanne, I LOL’d so hard at that. 🙂 I will give you a full report!! Miss Jackie needs one too so she can talk Dr Jax into it. I’m so excited, don’t know how I’ll wait a week+ for it to get here.

    Rach, that’s the way it is with technology, isn’t it? Which was why buying the iPad was a decision I angsted over. But I decided I’m happy with it as it is (just like I’m happy with my Kindle, even though there are other readers now) And besides, if they make a new one I’ll give the old one my hubby and get the newest one!! Hehehe…

    Also, my Aussie friends, order them from the US, I hear you can, and they’re cheaper!

  4. Yep, it’s true, as a diehard gadget girl I’m EXTREMELY jealous. They’re not selling them in NZ till July. Sniff. Definitely do a review, Maisey. 🙂

  5. Whaaa I want one lol! So jealous! Plus it’s so shiny!

  6. I shall, Jackie, and husband’s all over the world can curse me as I prove they are an essential to writers everywhere! (and after all, our writing is their Harley Davidson/retirement plan.)

    Lacey, yes, and don’t for get that it’s shiny. *g*

  7. oh – i was tossing up between the reader and the ipad, reader won this time.

    Congrats on your purchase!

  8. Well, the readers cost less too. :{

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