Hero Love
I was having a little bit of trouble finding all the love for my hero. I’m coming off of a very strong, stoic, manly scarred up hero (my fave) and moving to a man who’s just…well he’s great, but he doesn’t have that same level of intensity, but good grief, The Sheikh had the corner market on intensity. And I hadn’t quite found that love for my new hero as a result. (He who shall henceforth be known as The Land Stud *compliments of Pamela Cayne*)
But I have it now. And it came upon me suddenly. Why? I suddenly got a firm image of him. Allow me to share:
You love him too now, don’t you? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Oh, also, this image has nothing to do with my hero per se, but it is another shot of Mr.Whitfield….Shameless? Maybe. I don’t care.
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Ooooh nicness!! When are we going to get Spartacus in NZ??? Oh when, when, when??
they must hate you if it’s not there yet! 🙁 But now you can picture Andy when you read about The Land Stud.
You’d think we’d have learnt patience by now in Aus/NZ… nup! Want it now!
It is not a show for the faint of heart, that’s my warning label. But he’s so pretty…
Yes, Kelly, I will second that. He’s certainly good inspiration. In fact, looking at him makes me want to write right now…