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April 7, 2010

5 Dollar Foot Long!

I mean…5-5-5 blog thingy!

Question 1: Where were you five years ago?
1. I was engaged, only one month away from the wedding.
2. Was working in a coffee shop for my hubby to be!
3. Was writing noir detective comedies and vignettes about the Ruch militia for the entertainment of family and friends.
4. Staying out too late with friends eating really good Mexican food at Muchas Gracias
5. Couldn’t have imagined that in five years time I would have three kids, that I would have even written a whole book, much less have two contracts. (especially since I’d never heard of Harlequin! *g*)

Question 2: What is (was) on your to do list today?

1. Keep the house from collapsing.
2. Don’t yell at the kids.
3. Stare at pile of laundry.
4. Wrestle 2yo.
5. Write. (I did all those things! I’m a simple sort)
Question 3: What five snacks do you enjoy?

1. Coffee. (I second it Jackie, it’s a snack!!)
2. Milano cookies
3. Baked chips.
4. Popcorn
5. Diet soda (what, I don’t drink alcohol, that has to count for something, right?)

Question 4: What five places have you lived in?

1. Um…true story…I have live in three locations on the same street. For the past twenty years. (I’m 24) Before that I lived on mile up the road on the hwy that connects to this road. So…Jacksonville, Oregon.
2. My head.
3. Still Oregon.
4. Oregon again, but I’ve been to Mexico.
5. Romancelandia (yeah, me too!).

Question 5: What five things would you do if you were a billionaire? (Jackie, I’m so jealous of your answers…)

1. Buy a Bougatti Veryon and crash it for extravagance. Or donate it to Conan O’Brien.
2. First, I’d be a seduced virgin secretary. (What? I had to get my money from somewhere)
3. Buy a spot on American Idol. Top ten.
4. Build orphanages and adopt lots of children. (and have a big house for them)
5. Devote my money to a research project that will make fat free chocolate that tastes just as good as regular Hershies.

I’m too lazy to nominate anyone…it requires links and it’s…ugh…11:30. (aren’t I pleasant?) So…first five to get here! You’re nominated! GO!!


7 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. LOL -Like your answers, but I’m already nominated so don’t think I count 😉

  2. Hey, we have the same answers on some thing! Great minds obviously think alike. 😉 But I should have thought of being the virgin secretary! I was too much in the hero’s head. Lol! You have to post one of your detective comedies one day. Dying to read now.

  3. My first writing attempts were detective mysteries. I used to think I was the ‘next’ Agatha Christie. Then I discovered my stories were neither very mysterious nor interesting 🙁

    Great answers, I would be so with you on the adopting lots of children one.

  4. Jackie, I thought of posting on of the detective stories, but to be honest, it’s so littered with inside jokes I wasn’t sure how well it would work…plus, I would totally have to change names!

    And if YOU hadn’t have been in the hero’s head and forced me to come up with new answers, I would have been coming at it from the hero’s POV too. I’m a weird one like that.

    Janette, oh, come on, you can have my nomination count and no the other person’s. *vbg*

    Jo, I was a big fan of the mystery genre when I was younger and I always thought I would write more YA mystery type stuff. But I always thought it was so fun when the books had romantic elements and then I found out there was a whole genre devoted to romance and…and…I never looked back.

    And our church just went to Uganda, since we’re ‘adopting’ a church there and Oh. My. Gosh. There was a little girl who just loved our pastor and wanted to come back with him. We were wondering how long a child could survive in a suitcase. My husband and I would love to adopt from Africa. When our munchkins are a bit older and more manageable maybe…

  5. lol Maisey. Thanks for voting for me – sort of! I’ve posted my 5-5-5. Cheers. Caroline x

  6. You’re very welcome Caroline. 😀

  7. oh yay, i’m nominated! that makes me number two!

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