The Small Things
In life, there are a lot of things that seem small, maybe even insignificant, but when you step back and look at them in hindsight, you see how they were really leading you somewhere. My life has been very much like that.
I met my husband when I was twelve, though he doesn’t remember me at all! But a few years later we ended up working together at the same place (rather, I worked for him) we became friends, then started dating, then married. All because of my very first job, a small thing that turned out to be not-so-small! (I’m not sure the initial meeting when I was twelve had much to do with anything since he doesn’t remember it…but I do, and I was quite impressed with him.)
Then there’s the writing. I’ve always written, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So I tried everything. (one of these days I will torture you with my noir detective comedies) And then I picked up a romance novel at a second hand store (When The Lights Go Down, by Heidi Betts) and soon after, a Presents by Miranda Lee. Then the contest. And I though, I want to do this, THIS is what I want to do. Not getting feedback from the second comp I entered led me to my crit group on the ihearts board, and they were instrumental in helping me do that rewrite on what became my accepted MS. Small things that mattered.
This got me thinking.
I’ve been really digging with The Sheikh, trying to get to the heart of things. What do they need in order to have a believable HEA? What moments are vital, necessary, for us to believe in them as a couple? They’re quite an opposite pair, my h and H. Poles apart in life experience in almost every area. Which means that a connection has to be made beyond the physical, especially in the case of these two since my heroine is the one woman my hero is forbidden to touch.
That means there has to be something so compelling about her that he’s willing to abandon a lot of tightly held morals and beliefs, that he’s willing to risk EVERYTHING to be with her. It has to be about so much more than physical attraction. And that means I’m chasing moments. Little things that build the connection between them. The shift in their relationship when it goes from being somewhat hostile, to a mutual understanding, and even liking.
It’s those little things, those moments, that will weave together and make the full picture as big beautiful as possible.
Speaking of little things, my two year old son, who has some developmental delays, and does not speak at all, said mama for the first time on Easter Sunday. And that was a thrill beyond belief. It’s those little moments in life that make it so precious. In that moment, I cannot tell you how blessed I felt. Amazing how going through something you could easily resent, can teach you to truly savor moments that might otherwise seem small.
Really, is there such a thing as a small moment?
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Misey, your posts always ring true to me, but THIS one shouted. I have two girls – my two year old was born talking, but my four year old, is autistic, had global developmental delay and have very limited speech. For me – when she started saying mama was like she had invented the light bulb. It truely is the small things in life that put it all into perspective.
PS – I met my husband when I was 12 too, although I never worked for him (hmm not sure I would want to, LOL)
LOL I worked for my hubby too! Think it must be true in many cases, which is why office romances often work so well!
And HUGE yay on your boy saying MAMA – I reckon that’s a pretty HUGE moment ๐
Janette, my son is currently testing onto the Autism spectrum, but because of his age, and because he tested so low into the spectrum, he’s receiving therapy but won’t be diagnosed until he’s three. Right now he has speech therapy and Autism therapy twice a week at our home, and he’s making wonderful progress.
How is your daughter doing? My four year old has some delays as well, but with speech therapy he’s doing really well.
It’s amazing what it does for your perspective on life. I tend to think that my little boy will teach me more than I’ll ever teach him.
Rach, it makes sense…where do you spend most of your time…work! And when you work for such a hottie…like I did…well, how could I not fall for him?
So true Maisey (um apologies for calling you Misey before – really should re read what I write) they teach you a whole lot more!
Emily’s progress is slow – but there IS progress so that is what we focus on. She does speech and occupational therapy as well as attend an autisim preschool twice a week and we do one day a week with a special educator that comes to our home.
I guess you do all you can and hope that its enough for them.
sokay, Janette, typose are my specialty. Ask my editor. Poor soul…
Well, blessings on your family, and yay for Emily’s progress. I’ll keep up to date with Kian’s progress. ๐
When the Lights Go Down was the ssecond Heidi Betts book I read, and the one that made me type her out an emaail and tell her how much I loved that and Blame it On the Blackout. ๐
I agree, it’s all the small things that weave together and show us the bigger pattern.
Oh, wonderful! Heidi is fantastic. I hang out at her WIPs and Chains blog a lot. I still haven’t read Blame it on the Blackout if you can believe it! But Fortune’s Forbidden Woman is one of my FAVORITE Category romances of ALL time. ๐
So true re the small things, Maisey. If I hadn’t met Karina Bliss (Superromance author) at a family do and had a good old chat about writing with her, I would never have entered the Instant Seduction contest. Never have got some feedback. Never have started on this two year roller-coaster ride. The jury is still out on whether’s that’s a good thing but at least I’ll never get to the end of my life and say ‘wish I’d given writing a go’. ๐
It’s a good thing, Jackie. You’re amazingly talented and I know you’re going to make it.
For me, it was seeing that first contest advertised, the one that Lynn won. I just thought…I want to do that. And that contest entry was AWFUL the first bit of romance I’d ever written and it never did get longer than that first chapter. But then I started The Boardroom Bride…which became His Virgin Acquisition…and there you are. Well, there was a lot in between.
There were LOTS of comments on ihearts after that second comp and, well, the girls and I racked up a hundred comments, all full of ridiculous humor and one of the authors said ‘you should do a blog, you’re all hilarious’. Well, we didn’t do a blog…but we started a crit group. ๐ And then, because of you having been runner up in that comp and having such a web presence, we met you. Seems like you’ve always been with us. ๐