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March 23, 2010

My Secret To Doing It All

I don’t. Nope. Not even close. I think I get asked maybe once a day how I manage to do it all. And I’d love to tell you it’s because I never sleep, I’m have superpowers, and I’m in possession of Hermione Granger’s time turner. But that’s not true. I’d also love to tell you that my house is spotless, it hasn’t been 6K miles since I changed the oil in my car, and my husband never has to cook dinner for himself. But that would also be a lie.

One of the lovely regulars on the blog wrote to me and commented that she didn’t feel she had very high words counts. But she’s doing it! That’s the big, important thing. Even if you don’t have a huge chunk of time to devote to writing, if it’s what you love, what you want, do what you can. You don’t have to sit at the computer for eight hours a day, heaven knows I never do. Waaaaay too ADD for that.

And as I write this, the dishes from dinner sit still on my kitchen table. I may let them sit there for a while. Till I get to them. Whatever.

My husband is a huge help too. I mean, the man did like five loads of laundry today because I was so behind. Also? He watched the boys while I went to Starbucks, and my mom took Alani for a while to help both of us out.

See? I promise I don’t write, hold the dustbuster and the baby while folding clean clothes. And I wouldn’t venture to try. And the thing is, I don’t need to!

It’s easy to get in that mindset and think “well, she does it, why can’t I??” We see these women who, outwardly, look like superheroes, that have it all, and do it all.

The truth? We’re all hiding dust bunnies (dust moats?), literally or figuratively, under something. And that’s quite all right. There’s some freedom in admitting that. There’s a lot of pressure on us to be perfect, but perfect can be kinda boring. I’d much rather have some sanity and some laughter in my life, so on that note…

I’m Maisey Yates, and I haven’t vacuumed in over a week. ย But I’m a pretty awesome mom, wife, friend, daughter and writer, so I’m not too broken about it. And it’s certainly not a shortcoming.

So, to you my friends, the supermoms, the superwives, the superwomen, you don’t have to do everything. Just enjoy life. ๐Ÿ™‚


16 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Hey, I hear you. Housekeeping comes last on my list of things to do of a day. The dishes can sit there all day, the bathroom doesn’t get cleaned, the washing doesn’t get put out. And sometimes my kids will have instant food for dinner – oh, okay, most nights they have instant food for dinner. But all of the above means that Mum is happy ’cause she’s writing. And if Mum’s happy, everybody’s happy… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That’s right! The important stuff (hugs, being mommy, writing) gets done, and that’s what matters!

  3. My two year old not long ago walked up to me with a massive ball of fluff in her hands that she’d picked off the floor and asked “Mummy what’s this?” Umm proof that I haven’t cleaned? That I should clean but writing seems more important?

    Happy wife = Happy life, but a wife that has reached word count aimed for the day? = freakin’ over the moon.

  4. LOL! Janette, that’s awesome! And sounds like something that would happen to me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. wow, great post ๐Ÿ˜‰ nice chatting with you!
    i always forget the washing in the machine LOL!

  6. I hear only dull women have immaculate houses!

  7. Thanks for reminding me that there is washing in the machine that needs to be put out! Yay go Maisey go. Caroline x

  8. I think I shock people when I tell them I don’t care if my house is a mess. Especially my mother.

  9. You should have seen the dust bunnies around here when the painters moved the furniture. Wow, was I embarrassed! And hubby ended up asking them if they knew of anyone who wanted to clean house a couple of times a month, LOL.

  10. Kerrin, LOL!! I do the same thing! And the sad thing is, both hubby and I avoid folding the laundry, so he’ll do like five loads and then we both pick through laundry baskets for clean clothes because we don’t want to fold them! I’m folding today…wah!!

    Rachael, I don’t know…some of those clean freaks are interesting creatures. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Caroline, I guess I really AM superwoman…LOL.

    Anne, I wish my house were clean all the time. I just haven’t the energy to do it all!!

    Lynn…>.< I can see that happening to me! If you can see it, there's a chance I may clean it...but if not...well...there will be hidden dust bunnies. And ironic that I'm full on spring cleaning today in light of this post. But I have a proposal in with my ed about The Greek so I may take the day off until she gets back to me. Also, my husband stayed up half the night doing general cleaning, so when I got up the house was sparkling! (except the unfolded laundry...)

  11. Wow great job on snagging a husband who can do laundry Maisey ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s either sleep or cleaning and the cleaning doesn’t keep me pretty ๐Ÿ˜›

  12. Hah! Lacey, sleeping is counteractive to beauty, I’ve found. Nail breaking work, that.

    And yeah, Haven is a supremely marvelous man. Although, someone said to me she wants to see a birth certificate for him, and that it better not say list his parentage as ‘Harlequin Mills & Boon’. *vbg*

  13. Yep, that guy is a hero. Does he have a brother that can cook, clean and look after me so I can write? If not, I’ll just carry on.

    You’ll always be a supermom to me, Maisey, just for having a brain that actually works after you’ve given birth. Took me months to get mine going ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Well, you’ll always be super mom to me. All those kids, and you do it by yourself, plus pursuing your dreams. You are a true inspiration to me.

  14. Awww, thanks, we haz the love don’t we!!

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