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February 28, 2010

Favorite Things (What Would YOU Bring To The Bunker For Zombiepocalypse?)

Tonight was the kick-off of my birthday week. We had a barbecue and cake at my parent’s house and I got starbucks gift cards….Yeah!!!

My official actual birthday is on March 2nd, and I will be turning the big 2-4. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, I’m celebrating. The whole week. Woohoo!!

And I’m going to celebrate by talking about my favorite things. But I’m not Oprah, so no giveaways. Don’t get too excited. But these are things I love, the things, in addition to my family of course, that I would bring in the bunker with me in case we have a zombie attack to wait out.

First thing on the list, this awesome birthday card I got today:

Next? Starbucks. I love Starbucks. I really do. My drink is a grande vanilla latte with whip. Always. I don’t care if it’s one hundred degrees, I want my HOT latte. ๐Ÿ™‚

This is mommy’s sippy cup.

And I think it goes without saying, I love books. I love romance ones. Mmmm…and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my last year’s birthday present, my Kindle, which has so many books on it it’s mildly disturbing. Mostly category romance since I’m a category addict.

And of course, my laptop would have to come too, because I’m a lefty and I DO NOT hand write things. NOPE. DO NOT. My hand gets all inky. ๐Ÿ™ And my handwriting is kinda…eh. When I take notes on revisions I can’t even read it later.

So what about you guys? What are your favorite things? In case of a zombiepocalypse, what would you being into the bunker? (besides Chuck Norris. And that’s just a safety precaution.)



13 Responses | TrackBack URL | Comments Feed

  1. Happy Birthday Maisey!! Can I just say that Chuck Norris is a small god? So good choice.
    Into the bunker I would bring some good martini ingredients, my little laptop and my husband. Oh and the kids, naturally enough. I think Dr Who’s Tardis is must because it’s getting kind of crowded in here so it’s good to have an extra room or 3000 and some transport. Macgyver would also be a useful extra just in case the zombies got to Chuck Norris. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Ha! Well, my husband and children were a given. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    On the subject of Chuck, my dad went to high school with his stunt double, Chip Wright. Chip teaches karate here, and both Haven and my brother have taken Martial Arts there. And Chuck comes to visit sometimes, but I always miss him!! He was down at our church a few years back and I was too late to meet him!

  3. Wishing you a happy 24th birthday!

    Fave things in case of a zombiepocolypse:

    -My netbook, I also write on mine – I type as fast as I think so it helps me get all ideas down FAST, I check my relationship mktg sites on it, watch the Office on hulu with it… It’s priceless.

    -My coffee pot, which I need to perform all functions above.

    -Slipper socks, I scoot around in them all day until I have to go somewhere outside.

  4. In my bunker I would take my laptop, my sonyereader and Hugh Jackmann.

  5. Jessica, I can’t believe I was remiss in the coffee pot. One Starbucks latte will NOT cut it. I need my cute travel mug and my Starbucks Sumatra coffee and my coffee pot. Let’s just pretend I built my bunker with a built-in coffee pot. Cuz totally would.

    Anne, if you had Hugh Jackman in your bunker would you actually need a laptop and Sony Reader?

  6. Since there are going to be so many laptops, I’ll bring a hand-cranked dynamo so we can keep them charged, and a couple of flash drives. I’ll keep my ms on my flash drives so I can use everyone else’s computers — swapping use of my dynamo for writing time.

    Happy Birthday, Amazing Yates.

  7. Lisa, why am I not surprised that you’ve bested us! But, maybe I have outlets in the bunker. I mean, I DO have a coffee maker!!

    Still, if the zombies chew through the power supply…

    And it doesn’t escape me that it’s going to be handy to be a bunch of romance novelists in a bunker. We can start writing zombie romance, and then when the invading corpses find us, should Chuck not be able to protect us, we can offer to keep them amused with our touching prose about love between people with rotting flesh!

  8. Happy birthday week!

    My go to is an upside-down caramel macchiato, and yes, always HOT!

    A coffee pot is a necessity… a few months supply of chocolate too. I’ll share. : ) I’ll need my Sony and my favorite blanket. Good news, when I read all the books on my Sony, I’ll just read all of yours!

  9. It’s the 2nd on this side of the pond, so Happy Birthday to you, Maisey. What would I bring? Well, how much room have we got? Ok, let’s see – husband, kids, as many books as I can carry and a muffin maker!

  10. Hah! We’ll keep writing to keep everyone amused. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks, Maya! We have lots of room. We dug out the entire state of Oregon to accommodate this bunker. So, room, we has. However, if you come to visit, walk lightly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. I like the idea of having Hugh Jackman along. If the zombies get past Chuck & Chip, we can feed them Hugh, which should give us time to run.

  12. I’ve sent you a happy cupcake award! (Don’t eat it all at once).

  13. Sacrifices of that nature are more effective if they’re virgin, I think, Lisa. Unless zombies don’t care. But, if this is 2012 and these are MAYAN zombies…

    Too late, Sally, I ate it. And I had to, because yesterday while I was holding the baby, the 3yo ate the top off of my cake. Yeah. All the frosting. That is the best part.

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